10 Tips harmony Couple Husband and Wife


Keep the harmony of the couple (couples) are not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, but it takes effort and sacrifice. I will give you tips "10 Tips harmony Couple Husband and Wife" :

1. Attempting to know and understand.

The difference in the environment and conditions of the husband or wife grew very influential in the formation of a variety of tastes, behavior, and attitudes different on each side of the other. It is the obligation of every couple to understand this situation and try to find out and get to know others who became his life partner. They also need to know all things related to life situations that affect, so it can move forward and realize harmony.

2. Feelings of reciprocity

The husband and wife are partners in a life that is glued inside the knot; the sacred ties that unite the two. Inevitably, both should share the joys and sorrows; divide sadness and joy together. Both are intertwined to meet the lofty ideals that embody the order of life based on the rule of Allah and His Messenger. To cultivate compassion in each party, husband and wife needs love, wife and husband were in need of love. Husband and wife should share the joys and sorrows, sadness and joy together divide.

3. Each party shall respect.

When a husband or wife entered his house, then he deserves the respect and appreciation of each other. It aims to maintain the dignity and raise the prestige of couples, so that each one feels comfortable to build a harmonious household. In this case, it is the duty of couples to seek the positive points of each to be used as the support of mutual respect.

4. Trying to please their partner.

In family life, even in social life in general, if someone tried to put forward and put others out of himself, it means he has planted the seeds of love and closeness to all the people around him.
Thus, each couples are advised to always please their partner, and prioritize of himself, in order to strengthen the bond of love between them. Because, when the husband saw his wife devoted herself to please him, of course he's going to do something that can make the heart glad and happy wife. This was done to repay his wife, or at least the recognition of goodness.

5. Overcoming common problems.

Marriage is a relationship of partnership and participation form. Partnership which stands on a foundation of common purpose, goals, attitudes, intuition and feelings, as well as collaboration and solidarity in solving every problem. Any problems that arise in conjugal life, then the problem is seen as a collective anxiety. Any problems that arise in conjugal life, should be viewed as a collective anxiety. Paradigm thus triggering husband to try to work hard in order to provide a glorious life for his wife and children. Even so, the wife will try to run the affairs of the household in accordance with procedures agreed upon. Efforts made by the husband and the wife is a solution to solve the problem together. Even so, both the husband and wife does not need to hide the problem, even necessary honesty and transparency in order to make the seeds of trust and mutual understanding, making it easy to find a solution. It may be that the problem has a positive impact to strengthen the bond of husband and wife.

6. Attitude qana'ah.

Among the signs of harmony in love couples are satisfied with the attitude that there is (qana'ah); satisfied with life infrastructure available. Continuation spoiled attitude, life habits department, wasteful and dissipate in childhood or adolescence, including one of the factors that trigger conflict couples. Such an attitude opposite to maturity that demands a realistic outlook on life. Things pulp and glamor that heralded true media publication will not create happiness. Because true happiness emanates from the heart and soul of the deepest, not the opposite of the aspects of material that actually triggers the gap and conflict couples.

7. The attitude of tolerance both sides

It is very illogical if each party expects a permanent ideal behavior of domestic partner in the relationship, because according to his nature, man is sometimes wrong and right. Spouse sometimes forget and make mistakes so often repeat the mistakes and mistake. He may make mistakes because of ignorance, and repeat it without realizing it. If any party wishes to punish, judge, or revenge for any mistakes made by her partner, it means that he is damaging the foundation of domestic harmony. The error does not need to be followed by pressure, scolding, and intimidation, especially if the error was not associated with Islamic norms. If we denounce all things, then we are not going to find something we do not reproach. Making mistakes is a common thing that only requires alignment, steering, and instructions, coupled with an attitude of remorse and desire to change for the better. The error does not need to be followed by pressure, scolding, and intimidation, especially if the error was not associated with Islamic norms. Rest assured that someone will not run out the appropriate way to correct errors and irregularities partner. The best way in this case is a quiet advice and make their partner feel that it is for the good of themselves and their families.

8. frank

Frank attitude, honesty, and courage is the key to happiness home life may not nil of error. In that sense, if you make a mistake, then you have to do is rushed to apologize, admit it, and promised not to repeat them in the future. The attitude is nothing degrading status and self esteem. It would encourage others to respect, trust, and forgive you.

9. Concern and solidarity

Fragments of the most beautiful part of domestic life is a concern and solidarity that acted husband or wife in the face of adversity with patience and tremendous struggle. Wife when standing next to her husband, the husband will feel strong and confident, and vice versa. When the wife or husband feel that their partner feel strong and confident, then he will find her soul filled with peace and tranquility. This side is in fact the essence of marriage and inner integration between the two sides.

10. Wisdom

Wisdom each other its name on the most dreary situation helped lay the solid foundation of harmony. It may be that, due to an error, the husband or wife has a great ability to harm his partner, only wisdom prevented him from doing it. Wisdom strengthen the spirit of understanding between the two. Or one of the spouses may feel more entitled to a certain extent, but after re-think about it, he no longer hold his keukeuh that could trigger friction. Problem turns over. So, wisdom is a sturdy fortress that protects the family of disharmony. When he retreated with the motif of wisdom, then he means to eliminate the scent of conflict and strife. However, if the attitude of selfish and negative superiority replace wisdom, the peace and stability of domestic life will be marred. If so, I wonder if the problem turns over. So, wisdom is a sturdy fortress that protects families from disharmony.

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