PROPHET ISA (6 Before BC - 30 AD)

PROPHET ISA (6 Before BC - 30 AD) by

Effect of Jesus on the history of humanity is so clear and so great. It seemed a lot of people who question why Jesus was in a nearly top of this list. In fact, maybe a lot of people wonder why Jesus was not in the top spot.

As for Christianity, there is presumably the problem. In the course of the time no doubt that this religion has gained adherents greater than that of any other religions as well. It should be emphasized is not concerning the influence of various religions is a point calculations in this book but the particulars concerning the influence of individuals. It is not like Islam, Christianity was founded not by two but Jesus and St. Paul therefore merits recognition for the development of religion is to be divided equally between the two figures.

Jesus laid the foundations of the basic ideas of Christianity ethics including spiritual views and ideas about the human subject. While Christian theology basics managed by St. Paul. Isa present spiritual messages while St. Paul add it to the form of worship to Jesus. Moreover, St. Paul is the author of the important parts of the New Testament and is an advocate of the first people to embrace Christianity in the first century of the birth of the religion.

Isa countless young age when "death" (another case with Buddha or Muhammad), and he left behind only a limited number of followers. When Jesus died, his only consists of a small number of Jewish sect. New through the writings of St. Paul and persistence sermon tireless, little sect was transformed into a dynamic force and a larger movement, both composed of Jews or not. From there-akhirnya- grown to become one of the major world religions.

As a result of these things while people think St. Paul was the one and not the Jesus who is more worthy regarded as the founder of Christianity, because it's place in this list should be higher than Jesus! Although difficult to imagine what form of Christianity without St. Paul, but the opposite also is very clear: without Jesus, Christianity would not exist at all

On the contrary, does not seem unreasonable to think that Jesus held responsible for any circumstances ratings Christian churches and individuals adherents of Christianity then, particularly since Jesus himself did not agree with attitudes like that. Among them for example the religious wars between Christian schools, and the cruel slaughter of the Jews-hunt is a contradiction with the attitude and teachings of Jesus. It does not seem unreasonable to think that the act was approved by Jesus.

In addition, even though modern science was first grown in countries embraces Christianity in Western Europe but it's not taxable if it is deemed the responsibility of Jesus. By itself nobody among the leaders of Christians interpret the teachings of Jesus as a call for scientific investigation of the world in the physical sense. The opposite is true of all Roman society embraced Christianity resulted in a general decline in both basic technology and the general level of interest in science.

That science happen to grow in Europe is actually an indication of a culture that was inherited and that is consistent with the scientific mind. It has nothing at all to do with the teachings of Jesus, but thanks to the influence of Greek rationalism which is clearly reflected in the works of Aristotle and Euclid. Is worth noting the emergence of modern science is not in the heyday-prime ecclesiastical power and sanctity of Christian but when he started dawning renaissance, the time when Europe is trying to renew heritage before Jesus.

The story of the life of Jesus if it is associated with the New Testament is certainly already be familiar to the reader, because it can be tedious if chewed again. But, there are also aspects that are still worth noting. First, most of the information we get about the life of Jesus messy, uncertain maze. Even we do not know who his real name. It is probable that the original name Yehoshua, a common Jewish name (the English call Joshua). And year of birth was not sure, although the year 6 BC can be used as a handle.

Even in death was that it should be clear by his followers, is also unclear to this day. Jesus himself did not leave writings at all, so that in fact everything about life fairy holding on to an explanation of the New Testament.

Unfortunately, the teachings of Jesus contradict each other in many subjects. Matthew and Luke presenting an entirely different version of the final words spoken Isa. Both versions cursory look comes from direct quotations from the Old Testament

Surely not a coincidence goods Jesus is able to quote from the Old Testament. Therefore, although Isa leaders of Christianity, he himself is actually a devout Jew. It has been often pointed out that Jesus is in many ways very similar to the prophets of the Old Testament, and he was deeply affected by them. Just as the prophets, Jesus has exceptional charm personality who left a deep and indelible impression so meet him. Isa man has charisma power in the sense that verily, verily.

In contrast greatly with Muhammad who holds the power of religion and politics on the one hand, Jesus did not Yunya political influence during his lifetime or in the next century. (Both humans it does have an indirect effect on the long-term political developments). Isa spread influence entirely within the scope of ethics and a spiritual leader.

If the relics of Jesus in quality as the leader spirituaI, of course, right when people question the extent to which the idea of ​​spiritual influence the world. One of the central teachings of Jesus of course, the Golden Rule. Now, the Golden Rule is accepted by many people, whether he was a Christian or not as the moral standards of behavior. We can not always act on the basis of the benchmark, but at least we try to scour the rails. If Jesus really is the first drafting of standards and guidelines that have been accepted as an almost universal principle, we can be sure he deserves seated on the first order of this list

But, the fact remains that his name, the Golden Rule it is already a benchmark so grip Judaism, long before Jesus was born. Pastor Hillel, the Jewish leaders who lived a century before Christ openly say that the Golden Rule was the main criterion of Judaism.

It is not only known to the Western world but also the East. Chinese philosopher Confucius-Cu has been proposed conception in the year 500 BC. As well as the words contained in the Mahabharata, a collection of ancient Hindu poems. So, the fact shows that the philosophy embodied in the Golden Rule is accepted by nearly every major religious group.

Does this mean that Jesus had no idea who the original ethics? It is not like that! The views are of high quality and courtesy ablaze in Matthew 5: 43-44:

You hear what is being said that you should love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, have mercy on those who have cursed you, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who grudge you and persecute you.

And the previous sentence reads, do not fight crime. If they slapped on the right cheek, left cheek too give.

Now, this opinion is not part of Judaism in the time of Jesus, nor be part of the handle other religions. It can be ascertained is that unheard of. If this idea is widely held, I do not hesitate or waver in the slightest put Jesus in the first place in the list.

But, the reality shows that the idea is not widespread belief is true. Instead, generally will not be accepted. Most adherents of Christianity rnenganggap command "Love your enemies" can only be realized in a perfect world, but can not walk as a guiding behavior in the world in which we all live today. Generally doctrine was not implemented, and also do not expect others to do so. The children were we not give teachings so. The most obvious teachings of Jesus is still a kind of teaching that is fundamentally a group and not a passing suggestion that tested first.

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