Magic of music in infants

Not only for the cognitive development of children, the music also has other health benefits. In the opinion of therapists, a certain tone, rhythm, sound and vibration can help the healing process and behavioral problems of children. You can try this at home:

Not only for the cognitive development of children, the music also has other health benefits. In the opinion of therapists, a certain tone, rhythm, sound and vibration can help the healing process and behavioral problems of children. You can try this at home:

1. The singing Lullaby
Hear lullabies 2 x 20 minutes a day can slow the heart rate of premature babies. That is, the oxygen that enters the body will increase and blood flow better.

2. Babies with colic (stomach problems) or teething can be soothed with calming melodies and rhythms remain. However, more importantly, sound mama papa children themselves the most potent soothing the child.

3. Fun Classical Music
By listening to classical music for 40 minutes as much as 3 times a week, children with ADHD aged 7-17 years will be focused to do something. Those who do not have ADHD also tend to be quieter when they hear classic songs. In addition, they are difficult to follow instructions are also easier to understand if given direction in the form of a song. This is because the rhythm of the song is digested differently by the brain. Your child will be easier to pay attention and understand the meaning conveyed.

And other wonders created when the child is still in the fetus:

1. There is already a process of learning in the womb. The womb is more like a classroom than on the assumption so far only as a waiting room for the birth

2. The fetus has been able to hear clearly at the age of six months in the womb, so that he can move their body to the rhythm tone of her voice or her manner of speech.

3. The fetus in the womb are given stimuli music regularly and constantly was able to stimulate the intelligence of the baby after birth.

4. The fetus is also able to learn a little about the music at the age of 4/5 months in the womb. Meaning: exactly the fetus can react to sounds and melodies in different ways depending on the rhythm or beat of the music. For example: If we play soft rhythmic song, the fetus will feel uneasy even calm or relaxed. Conversely, if we play the songs with fast rhythms such as Rock, the fetus becomes less quiet.

5. The fetus in the womb already have feelings, consciousness, and memory.

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