Tips child left at home because of work

Tips child left at home because of work

Who the parents are not hard to leave children at home without parental supervision?
although the amount is not much, some parents in large cities known forced to do things like that. that's why, appeared daycare places. more than that, in a certain country has no laws governing the minimum age a child can be left at home without adult supervision.
1. preparations
difficult to determine what the minimum age a child can be left at home alone. to the size of a large city, perhaps the age of seventh grade can be used as a handle. children aged 12 or 13 years is assumed to already have enough reason to keep their safety as well as could be expected to be independent. the young age of the child, the child is actually greater for parents because naturally left many young children have a lot of irrational fear. many children are afraid of monsters, ghosts, while another child afraid of the bad guys. children or adolescents generally feel safe after her mother and father back.
on the other hand, if the child continues to be left alone, there is the impact of loss can occur. The most likely is lost friend chat, and a lack of feedback from people who are more mature. on a single ana, are likely to experience greater loneliness. impact can make them into people who desperately need other people so it looks like to always attract attention. or conversely, the child feels no longer need other people and just get annoyed if someone else because inevitably must always be tolerant.
2. Do not feel guilty
if forced to leave the kids at home, parents to prepare everything from the beginning. safety is a priority issue that should not be overlooked. record important phone numbers to call if you need help. warn, what-what should not be done like turning on the stove, fiddling with electricity, and other potentially hazardous.
for abandoned children, parents should also prepare a number of constructive child to continue to keep myself busy so she does not feel lonely. The easiest is to provide homework and ask the child to perform everyday tasks

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