Serving 'Challenging Death FISH FUGU' from Japan! Dare to Try?

Enjoy a dish of Japanese or 'washoku' beautiful and delicious, certainly was unusual. But, if you enjoy a dish that requires us to 'risk their lives'? Hmm, would need determination and extraordinary courage yes. Minna must be wondering, serving death-defying what the heck is going Streets Japan to discuss this time?

The dish is fish Fugu. Fish fat that is selling well-known toxic hunted by the Japanese people. In fact, they are willing to spend in-in to enjoy the Fugu fish. Pay expensive for a poisonous fish? Japanese society is never tired of making us confused and amazed.

Fugu fish poison was not kidding. Tetrodoxin toxins that tekandung in the intestine, ovary and liver is said to be 1,200 times more deadly than cyanide. Even more terrible again, the poison of a fish Fugu capable of killing up to thirty people.

Due to the high risk of this, the Japanese government issued strict rules related to permit the presentation of Fugu fish. To be able to serve this fish dish, a chef must go through two to three years of training. Certified chef expertise is what makes the dish Fish Fugu be expensive. One portion alone could reach more than 10 thousand yen, or about one million rupiah.

Fantastic prices Fugu fish dish!
Fugu fish
Fugu fish
The price of one million for one portion of food may sound terrible. However, these figures would be directly proportional to the experience and challenge of a lifetime. Moreover, behind the image of inherent toxic, Fugu fish is also rich in benefits, guys!

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